What Makes YOU Beautiful?  The ONE True God of Israel & Jesus our Lord did something amazing on the the day of Pentecost that enables us to love as they do & be beautiful:  An Amazing song by ONE Direction followed by Celine Dion

What happened on the day of Pentecost in the year of the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus our Lord?  We are given the record in Acts 2.

Pentecost is a day when Yahweh the ONE Eternal Spirit sent the promised holy spirit and spiritual birth of holy spirit since Adam & Eve was made available for all of mankind. 

Anyone who believes Yahweh has raised His only begotten son from the dead and makes a confession that Jesus is Lord - are baptized by Jesus with the gift of spiritual birth of holy spirit which is inside YOU - Romans 5:5.

This spiritual birth of holy spirit helps us to LOVE as God & Jesus love.

We are given a spirit that has 9 manifestations and 9 fruit-no more-no less.

The world is in darkness and oppression about the baptism of holy spirit each one of us receive the moment we Confess Jesus is Lord.

Dark Angel - Satan - the arch-enemy of the ONE True God.  Satan as Lucifer - the head of all angels - once tried to usurp Yahweh the ONE Eternal Spirit who alone is God from His throne in His kingdom. Dark Angel is still seeking to usurp
Yahweh by keeping people in the dark about our baptism of the gift of holy spirit.

My first video is inspired by Prometheus - a search for the origin of mankind by going back to the beginning.  This is a movie directed by Sir Ridley Scott starring Noomi Rapace, Logan Marshall-Green and Michael Fassbender and OUR Charlize Theron as Captain Kirk in her role as the leader of the group as Meredith Vickers.  A team of scientists journey through the universe on the spaceship "Prometheus" on a voyage to investigate Alien life forms. The team of scientists becomes stranded on an Alien world, and as they struggle to survive it becomes clear that the horrors they experience are not just a threat to themselves, but to all of mankind. Written by Wellard Rockard 

We are told that the evidence of the gift of spiritual birth of holy spirit within us was by speaking in tongues when the gift of holy spirit was first given on the day of Pentecost.  This video is for YOUR benefit on Pentecost and Speaking in Tongues.

Now listen to one of my mentors - John Lynn - a true Apostle of our time - This video will teach YOU how to SPEAK IN TONGUES

Without the day of Pentecost - there would be no Church of His Body - Jesus our Lord of which we are members in particular as ONE Body.

When Jesus died on the cross, it was to ratify the New Covenant for the Judeans of Israel - no one else.

The Judeans - Jews - of Israel would be the only benefactor of the death of Jesus. The blood of Jesus made peace for Israel with God.

Pentecost made spiritual fellowship available for everyone - all mankind. Not just forgiveness and everlasting life by grace but actual spiritual fellowship by spiritual birth of holy spirit within us since Adam & Eve.

Yahweh the ONE Eternal Spirit created holy spirit within Adam and Eve so He could have spiritual fellowship with them.  They had this gift of holy spirit upon condition of obedience. They lost their gift of holy spirit and lost their home in the Garden of Eden.

Baptism of the gift of holy spirit by Jesus our Lord was confirmed by the people whom received holy spirit within them and were inspired to speak in tongues by the tongues upon them like fire. Their speaking in tongues was the proof of the indwelling gift of holy spirit.

When we believe God has raised Jesus from the dead and confess Jesus is Lord - meaning Lord of the Cosmos - then @ that moment of our confession we receive the ONE baptism: the gift of spiritual birth of holy spirit by being baptized with holy spirit which is administered by Jesus our Lord.  It is this baptism of holy spirit that makes us a member of The Church of His Body - Jesus our Lord.  We receive this gift of holy spirit by grace.

Yours in the Bonds of Fellowship

James R Cathey Ph D,Th D

Ordained Minister of Jesus our Lord since 1975

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Today WED 27 FEB 2013What Do YOU Think? How do YOU Think?

There are two types of knowledge: Natural knowledge and spiritual knowledge.

Jesus our Lord said: It is written: Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
Do we actually endeavor to walk in spiritual fellowship with God & Jesus in the light of the written word and the light of our spiritual birth of holy spirit?

The Apostle Paul has given us the command to walk in the spirit!

Any given moment, we receive God-breathed word - inspiration from God & Jesus - direction from God & Jesus via our gift of spiritual fellowship by spiritual birth of holy spirit.

In the early beginning of the Church of His Body - Jesus our Lord - whom is the Messiah of all mankind, Lord of The Church of His Body - Lord of the USA - Lord of the World & Lord of the Cosmos - there were new members in The Church of His Body who only knew the baptism of John the Baptist by baptism in water. The record is in Acts 8 and Acts 19.

Peter and John came from Jerusalem to Samaria to speak to the new believers. The Apostle Paul in Acts 19 in Ephesus spoke unto the new believers there.

In both cases, they only knew the baptism of John the Baptist. Peter and John in Samaria and the Apostle Paul in Ephesus instructed the believers to manifest the gift of holy spirit - The ONE baptism of the gift of holy spirit administered by Jesus our Lord which has replaced the requirement of baptism in water under the law administered by man - and these believers spoke in tongues. Acts 8: 15-17 and Acts 19:6.

Are YOU like the first century believers whom had only heard of the baptism in water by John the Baptist and know nothing about the ONE baptism in spirit since the day of Pentecost?

If so, YOU are under the darkness and oppression of Dark Angel the evil one known as Satan. A fallen angel whom does not want anyone to worship Yahweh the ONE Eternal spirit who alone is God by praying in the spirit and worshiping God via the gift of holy spirit by speaking in tongues.

In our day and time today in the 21st Century - NO Adult Christian should be baptized in water according to water baptism which was done as a legal requirement of the Mosaic Law and baptized people into Moses.

The Apostle Paul clearly states there is only ONE baptism and this baptism is baptism of holy spirit and we are baptized into Jesus as a member in particular of The Church of His Body. 

The spirit has been poured out since the day of Pentecost and we are baptized by Jesus our Lord with the gift of spiritual birth of holy spirit which is inside of us - not outside Colossians 1:27

Want to learn why we should speak in tongues and how to speak in tongues.

Watch the two videos on this page!

The Beginning - Pentecost

Yours in the Bonds of Fellowship

James R Cathey Ph D

Ordained Minister of Jesus our Lord since 1975

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Greetings from Yahweh the ONE Eternal Spirit who alone is God and the Father of His only begotten son Jesus our Lord whom was born to destroy the works of darkness: 

I exhort and admonish all members of The Church of His Body - Jesus our Lord to learn to live in the light of our spiritual birth of holy spirit which was made available for the first time since Adam & Eve on the day of Pentecost.

This particular Pentecost was in Jersualem in the year of the death, resurrection and ascension into heaven of Jesus our Lord.

Pentecost is the day Jesus was confirmed as both the Messiah of Mankind & Lord of the Cosmos. The Apostle Paul also states Jesus is the true leader of The Church of His Body. The Body composed of members are members by spiritual birth of holy spirit - not water baptism. Jesus our Lord leads us individually and collectively by communication via holy spirit.

Here is a link with info provided about Pentecost @ wikipedia

Pentecost is the birthday of The Church of His Body - Jesus our Lord. It is the finishing touch on the Gospel of Jesus our Lord as it is a day that Yahweh sent the promised gift of holy spirit and made His plan of spiritual fellowship available for all mankind a spiritual reality.  This is rightfully a day of celebration during the Christian calendar year just like when we remember the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus our Lord.

Without Pentecost, there would be no Church. The Judeans - Jews - of Israel would be the only benefactor of the death of Jesus because he ratified the New Covenant for Israel. Pentecost was the day the promised gift of holy spirit became available and Yahweh has made this baptism of holy spirit through Jesus available for all mankind. Not just everlasting life but actual spiritual fellowship by spiritual birth of holy spirit by grace.

There is much to learn about obeying the command of the Apostle Paul: Walk in the spirit!  We are born spiritually of the gift of holy spirit we receive within us by being baptized by Jesus the moment we believe Yahweh has raised His only begotten son from the dead and Confess Jesus is Lord - meaning Lord of the Cosmos.

This spirit of which we are born has 9 manifestations and 9 fruit. Please visit my website concerning this @ Spiritual Birth

Yours in the Bonds of Fellowship

James R Cathey Ph D
Ordained Minister of Jesus our Lord since 1975

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Peace in YOUR Heart & Love for ONE Another as members of The Church of His Body - Jesus our Lord - the Light of the World

Today TUE 12 MAR 2013

The Peace & Love of God & Jesus be with YOU

Jesus said to his apostles:

ALL things must be fulfilled:

The Law of Moses
The Prophets
The Psalms

All things concerning me will be fulfilled

While Jesus was on earth all was fulfilled:

His birth

His death

His resurrection

His ascension

His confirmation as both Messiah and Lord of Israel on the day of Pentecost

by the pouring out of the promised spirit on the day of Pentecost

According to the Apostle Paul - Jesus is

Messiah of Mankind

Lord of the Cosmos

Head of the Church of His Body

There is only ONE Church composed of many members who come together to fellowship

Jesus is active now fulfilling his duties as

Lord of the Cosmos

Head of The Church of His Body

In the future Jesus will fulfill his role as the Messiah of Israel and fulfill the New Covenant for Israel and all mankind.

There will be established a new heaven and earth.

Paradise will be restored and we will live forever with Yahweh our Father and Jesus our Lord in this Paradise.

Do you fellowship with God as a co-worker with God as an

Ambassador of Jesus our Lord?

Do you fellowship with God & Jesus in the light of our spiritual birth of the gift of holy spirit which has 9 manifestations & 9 fruit?

Have you been told the 9 manifestations of holy spirit are gifts that only certain people have?

Have you been told the 9 manifestations do not even exist??

I am here to tell YOU: The moment you believe God raised Jesus from the dead and confess Jesus is Lord of the Cosmos - that is the moment you were born of the gift of spiritual birth of holy spirit by being baptized with gift of holy spirit by Jesus our Lord. 

Your spirit which is inside you has 9 manifestations and 9 fruit - YOU have all 18 evidences of holy spirit.  Anything contrary to this fact is the darkness and oppression of Dark Angel the evil Prince of Darkness.

Today WED 20 FEB 2013

Prayer - Do YOU pray daily? Once or often during the day?  More importantly - Do YOU worship God whom is Spirit in the light of your spiritual birth of holy spirit by speaking in Tongues? Learn why & how
@ Speaking in Tongues

The future of the fellowship known as the Roman Catholic Fellowship - which is composed of members of The Church of His Body - Jesus our Lord the true Head of the Church - and the future of the Roman Catholic Fellowship lies with the choice of a new papal leader of the Roman Catholic Fellowship. Read about this @ Religion & Peace @ Georgetown University. This Year - 2013: WE here in the USA should demand justice for ALL women. Read more @ Amnesty International

Health Matters!!! Visit this online link that explores the link between Health & Faith @ Ambassador for Health & Faith

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation is the largest voting bloc in the United Nations. Some issues that will be discussed on 21 FEB 2013 are: What constitutes "defamation of religions?" What is the OIC's real mission? Now that the language in the resolution has been changed, is the problem resolved? Visit the discussion @ OIC

The Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom is against the Patient Protection & Affordable Healthcare Act. Currently 26 states are not implementing the healthcare act. I state that healthcare will go up with or without the healthcare act. The healthcare act does lead to a national healthcare system that I believe is in the interests of the USA. Read more
@ Single Taxpayer System and Immigration Reform

Today’s message for Transformation by renewing YOUR Mind to the light of revelation by God our Father & Jesus our Lord whom is the Messiah of Mankind, Lord of the Cosmos & Head of the Church of His Body since the day of Pentecost in the year of his death, resurrection & ascension to the right hand of power - Almighty God. Yahweh is the ONE Eternal Spirit and alone is  is Almighty God:

We should pray in tongues and with our understanding in our native tongue. We should trust God to reveal the answers we seek to fulfill the desires of our heart: Please read Hebrews 11:6. Also read Psalms 103: verses 2-5.

I don’t know about YOU but the case of Blade Runner aka Oscar Pistorius under scores the significance of walking in the light of our spiritual birth of holy spirit as members of The Church of His Body - Jesus our Lord. You become a member by believing God raised Jesus from the dead and confess Jesus is Lord. It is at the moment of confession we become a member of The Church of His Body by receiving the ONE baptism since the day of Pentecost - being baptized by Jesus our Lord with the gift of spiritual birth of holy spirit. Water baptism was required by the law. Water baptism is replaced with spiritual baptism since the day of Pentecost. NO Adult should be water baptized. Read more @

ONE Baptism                                                                                                                                                            Yours in the Bonds of Fellowship

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          James R Cathey Ph D
Ordained Minister of Jesus our Lord Since 1975
E-Mail: [email protected]
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