The Apostle Paul carried on in spite of hardships and imminent death

An amazing song by the cast of Les Miserables The Musical
25 DEC 2012 USA

Another Amazing Song about a man by OUR Taylor Swift:

The Apostle Paul gives us the light it was never the intention of the Lord Jesus for His ministers of the Gospel to never marry or take vows of poverty. He stated that we who are members of the Church of His Body(the Lord Jesus) are to work and support our family - and if we don't - we are worse than infidels and have denied the Faith - and that ministers of the Gospel are worthy of the financial support of those they serve - that members of any fellowship in the Church of His Body are to give freely as God has prospered them.

The Apostle Paul had authority to cast his vote for Stephen to die in the record we have concerning the death of Stephen in Acts 7 & 8. The Apostle Paul whom was Saul at the time had this authority as a member of the Sanhedrin. Saul had to be married which was a requirement of being a member of this governing group. A man was required to be age 30 for membership, be blameless and a father in order to be acquainted with ruler ship in his own household and acquainted with love and compassion.

The Apostle Paul was highly educated as a Pharisee in the matters of Judaic law. He as Saul saw the new sect of followers of the way who taught that salvation could be by Grace through the Lord Jesus a threat to the law by which the Sanhedrin ruled the people of Israel. So he as Saul received authority from the chief priests of the Sanhedrin to put Christians in prison and cast his vote for them to be put to death - Acts 26:10.

The Apostle Paul changed his name from Saul to Paul after he became a servant of the Lord Jesus. He began teaching we are no longer under the bondage of the law and the curse of the law. He said we are given liberty from the bondage and curse of the law through our liberty given us by the Lord Jesus whom has baptized us with the gift of spiritual birth of holy spirit – Galatians 4: 4-5 and 5:1, 18.

The Apostle Paul instructed that those whom serve a fellowship as a Pastor or Deacon of the Church of His Body are to be married in a heterosexual, monogamous marriage. They are to be one who rules well or governs well their own family or household – acquainted with love and compassion. They instruct their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord Jesus – having children who are obedient. See I Timothy 3: 1-12.

Aquila and Pricilla are the example of a Pastor and spouse – Acts 19:26. They worked with the Apostle Paul and others. While there are many who are an example of service today in our society (Thank you Julia Roberts for portraying Erin Brockovich) It is written: God shall grant the desire of the righteous!
What is the desire of your heart? One of the finest examples today of an Apostle is John A. Lynn who resides in Indianapolis, Indiana when he is home. He said that Jesus blazed a trail for us to follow to the heart of God!

Wordlight Fellowship submits it was never the intent of Almighty God nor the Lord Jesus for men and women to deny their humanity by submitting to a vow of chasity in order to be a servant of the Lord Jesus in the Church of His Body in any fellowship. Any fellowship – Catholic or Protestant – that requires a vow of chasity or poverty is putting men and women in bondage under the oppression and darkness of Satan – the Arch-enemy of God, the Lord Jesus and the members of the Church of His Body.

This is the 21st Century! It is time to stop this bondage of our fellow members of the Church of His Body. We have the right to dispel darkness and if necessary to declare our independence from any fellowship in the Church of His Body. We should strive to establish true unity based on the light of our unity that was given us on the day of Pentecost by our spiritual birth of holy spirit and the spiritual birthright given us since the day of Pentecost – the Armor of Light. The Apostle Paul exhorts us to cast off the works of darkness and put on the Armor of Light. We should not tolerate our fellow members of the Church of His Body being in bondage any longer. The Apostle Paul says he did not compromise the integrity of salvation by grace through the Lord Jesus for even one hour – Galatians 2:5.

A marriage as ordained by God is between a man and a woman in that He made Adam and Eve for companionship. We who are members of the Church of His Body are to honor God our Father and fully submit to the Lord Jesus if we truly love them and one another as members of the Church of His Body – the light of the world!

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